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Custom Processes must have matching version information between the annotation and included Connect library
ID de respuesta 8655   |   Revisado 29/10/2020

Does the version information within the comment/annotation section of a Custom Process (CPM) script affect processing?


Process Designer, Custom Process Model (CPM) / Service Process Model (SPM)
All product versions


The version information within the comment/annotation section of a Custom Process (CPM) script does affect processing. The following is an example of this required section of a CPM script customization:

* CPMObjectEventHandler: NameOfScript
* Package: RN
* Objects: Incident
* Actions: Create
* Version: 1.4
* Purpose: The documented purpose of the script

This is an example of a matching connect library to include to match the above example:

use \RightNow\Connect\v1_4 as Connect;
use \RightNow\CPM\v1 as RNCPM;

Notice the 'Version: 1.4' matches the version indicated in 'use \RightNow\Connect\v1_4 as Connect'.

Further, the version used in all CPHP code must match, and this holds true for all external scripts used by a CPM customization. Failing to do so in a CPM customization may work in some cases but not others, or may result in unexpected errors upon site version upgrades or patches.

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