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Oracle B2C Service email deployment
ID de respuesta 2700   |   Revisado 27/01/2019

What are the features and benefits of the Oracle Service Cloud email deployment system?


Oracle B2C Service email deployment


This answer highlights some of the benefits of the mail system that Oracle Service Cloud has deployed, and actions that customers should consider to take full advantage of this capability. 

New Features and Benefits
There are many dynamic challenges faced in today’s email deliverability landscape, and the email platform will help meet the growing demands of you our customers.

  • With the capacity of delivering millions of messages per hour, Oracle Service Cloud provides a scalable outbound mail infrastructure.
  • Newer versions of Oracle B2C Service allow messages to be processed as they come into the mailbox. See Answer ID 8745: What is Techmail On Demand? for more information.
  • Configurable and dynamic rate limiting allows Oracle to monitor and fine tune delivery behavior on an ISP basis.
  • Email for all customers using an Oracle-supplied “From:” address is DomainKeys and DKIM signed without further customer action. This allows ISPs such as Yahoo, AOL, and Gmail to authenticate all incoming email for your incident responses. Additionally, customers that wish to brand their mail “From:” address with their own domain can submit an incident and get their email DK/DKIM signed as well.
  • Provides enhanced bounce handling, analysis and categorization, allowing Oracle to more quickly respond to the rapidly changing email delivery landscape.
  • Allows flexibility and scalability for future demands in email deliverability.
  • Up to 25GB file size allowance for hosted mailboxes/pop accounts.  See Answer ID 280: Maximum size of file attachments for more information.

Recommended actions

If you are using branded domains for your email address, publish both SPF and DK/DKIM records in your domain’s DNS.

For additional information, see the following standards and documentation:  Summary of DKIM   Summary of SPF


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