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Oracle B2C Service Maintenance FAQs
ID de respuesta 5722   |   Revisado 13/03/2023

What do I need to know about the maintenance windows for my Oracle B2C Service site?


Maintenance windows
Oracle B2C Service


Below are Frequently Asked Questions for End-Users regarding open scheduled change windows to update the Management Framework of the Oracle B2C Service platform.

What are maintenance windows and why are they required?

Maintenance windows are a declared time window to conduct infrastructural updates within the Oracle Cloud Computing environment. Maintenance executed during this time is intended to improve the overall stability through enhancing the below areas:

  • Replace end of life hardware
  • Resolve infrastructure software defects
  • Upgrade hardware/network infrastructure
  • Deploy new service technologies
  • Update infrastructure security


When do maintenance windows occur?

Maintenance windows start at the following times for each of the 3 regions:

AMER: Friday, 22:30 EST (3:30 UTC) 
EMEA: Friday, 21:30 UTC
APAC: Friday, 23:30 JST (Saturday 1:30 AEDT, 14:30 UTC)

Note: We are only sending maintenance notifications for quarterly release maintenances, or for maintenance items that have some amount of  planned downtime. Every Friday we perform some sort of infrastructure maintenance, but they are not announced unless downtime is involved.

The windows last 6 hours. If there is any maintenance work to be done, it can happen anytime within that window.

Each time period has been confirmed to have low traffic volumes for both agents and end-users. If possible, specific times will be provided in maintenance window notifications.

See also Support Notifications > Support Updates for important service notifications relating to system updates.

Optional minor maintenance windows can occur Tuesday evenings CDT/CST, but are restricted only to updates that have no possibility of customer downtime.


Are the days/times of the outages negotiable?

They are not negotiable. These times have been identified as low traffic volume time periods. Due to the shared cloud nature of the product, maintenance executed may not be site specific but rather cloud wide.


What service/product impacts can I expect during a maintenance window?

Due to the redundancy of the cloud environment most maintenance events will have little to no visible impact to the CX product or its services. Maintenance can often be executed on the secondary resource and then failed over to work on the prior primary resource.


How will I know if a maintenance window is anticipated to cause service/product impact?

The Oracle Cloud Operations team will make every effort to send communications 1 week prior to every maintenance window to detail what the customer/agent impact may be during the upcoming maintenance window. If any services are anticipated to be impacted, the proactive notification will attempt to detail what specific services will be affected and the anticipated duration.


What if the experience observed during a maintenance window is different than the one originally communicated?

During a maintenance window, all applicable subject matter experts are present making the necessary environmental changes. In addition, very specific deployment schedules will be followed. If the experienced impact of the maintenance window deviates from the originally anticipated impact, then the Oracle Cloud Operations team will send additional notifications to provide additional updates throughout the event.

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