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Managing our own organization contacts like the "Contact Management Tool" on
ID de respuesta 11985   |   Revisado 08/10/2021

How do you add the Organization table to the widget?

Customer Portal
This is a customization that B2C Service has in place on our Customer Portal pages that is somewhat site-specific.  There is no out of the box /contacts/list page. 
For the report display itself,  we have a call to the Grid widget:
    <rn:widget path="reports/Grid" report_id=#rn:msg:CUSTOM_MSG_CP_Reports_ContactList# static_filter="contacts.org_id=#rn:php:$org_id#" label_caption="#rn:msg:CUSTOM_MSG_CP_CONTACT_MANAGE_OrganizationContacts#"/>
Where we grab the org ID higher up in the page:
        $CI = get_instance();
        $profile = $CI->session->getProfile(true);
        $org_id = $profile->orgID;
We do have some minor customizations to the Grid widget, but it is just look and feel.  The information above should work with the standard widget.

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